Shi Ming Zhen Co-Founder
Venerable Ming Zhen Shakya (formerly Chuan Yuan Shakya), is a priest of Nan Hua Si, Shao Guan, Guang Dong Province in Southern China. Nan Hua Si (Tsao Chi) is the monastery founded by sixth Chan Patriarch Hui Neng. Rev. Ming Zhen was the first American to be ordained in China since the communist revolution. She co-founded the Zen Buddhist Order of Hsu Yun in 1997 with Grandmaster Master Jy Din Shakya and Chuan Zhi Shakya. Rev. Ming Zhen has contributed numerous essays and books to the Zen Buddhist tradition, many of which can be found on this website.
Da Shi Chuan Yuan Abbot
Da Shi Chuan Yuan was eleveated to Abbot of ZBOHY in January 2004. He was ordained in November 13, 1999, at Hsu Yun temple and lives in Sao Paolo, Brazil. Master Chuan Yuan was a disciple of Grandmaster Jy Din, the founder of our order, who ordained him in the Dharma at Hsu Yun Temple, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Shi Fa Lian Assistant to the Abbot
Shi Fa Lian was ordained in 2003 and lives in Greece where she serves as Assistant to the Abbot and as Webmaster for the ZBOHY Greek web site. She can be reached by email by writing to
Da Shi Yin Zhao
Da Shi Yin Zhao was ordained at Fan Yun temple in San Franscisco in August 2000. He teaches advanced meditation techniques and writes for the ZBOHY Web. |
Shi Yin Shan Personnel Director
Yin Shan Shakya is a disciple of Master Fa Hui Shakya. He is currently finishing course work for a Ph.D. in Philosophy and Religion, with an emphasis on Chinese Buddhism. He teaches ESL to students in his area and can be reached by email at |
Da Shi Yin Ming
Da Shi Yin Ming was ordained at Fan Yun temple in San Francisco in August 2000. She provides private instruction and pastoral care in the Tri-County region of Big Bend Texas. She sits with the Morning Glory Sangha and is based out of Alpine, TX. Master Yin Ming can be reached by writing to |
Da Shi Chuan Pu
Da Shi Chuan Pu was ordained in 1997 by Master Jy Din Shakya at Hsu Yun temple in Honolulu. Master Chuan Pu offers spiritual guidance for drug and alcohol-dependent persons in California. |
Da Shi Chuan Sheng
Da Shi Chuan Sheng is Pastor of Lohan Temple and director of the Lohan School of Shaolin, a Tai Ji Quan, meditation, and martial arts' study center in Las Vegas, Nevada. He was ordained at Hsu Yun temple on November 13, 1999. Master Chuan Sheng counsels families and individuals on the acceptance of death and dying.