Home : Master Jy Din, March 13, 2003
In March, 2003, we announced with great sorrow the passing of Grandmaster Jy Din Shakya on March 13. He was the founder of both the Hsu Yun Temple in Honolulu, the oldest Buddhist temple in Hawaii, and our internet ministry, the Zen Buddhist Order of Hsu Yun.
When we visited Master Jy Din in his hospital room in June, we were assured by his physicians that he could not survive another three months. Master Fa Hui, the present spiritual head of our order and abbot of Hsu Yun Temple, provided him with such tender and constant care that Master Jy Din was able to defy this prediction and live for nearly another year.
We cannot express our sorrow and the debt we owe our beloved master.

Master Jy Din Shakya could not conceal his joy at the founding of the Order of Hsu Yun as can be seen in this photo taken on the day he founded the Order on November 8, 1997. He is wearing the special silk chuddar that he designed for the Order.
                After that illness
                My long gazing at roses
                Wearied the eyelids.
                        -- Shiki (Translated from the Japanese by Peter Beilenson)


Grand Master Jy Din Shakya dressed in traditional robes in the main Buddha Hall of Hsu Yun temple
(November 8, 1997).
Audio clips of Master Jy Din chanting the Dharani
(a teaching version)
  • chant_11Khz.mov (3.7 Mb)   (best for MAC users)
  • chant_22KHz_mono.wma (1.7 Mb)
  • chant_8KHz.wma (634 Kb)
    (click here for text and translation of the Dharani)
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