the mysterious 'place' unvisitable
is returned to again
a pure radiant rising rainbowed
golden fount of happy hot flowering sparks
invisibly force the body erect
throw the head back
mouth agape
abuzz aglow
an inner carpet shaken clean!
to explode the face in a gut laugh
from the deepest sweetest place within-
then a growing glory grin
to crack the skies
and astonish passersby:
"so THAT's what they mean by 'feeling no pain!' "
above this craven noisy filthy horny
decadent grumpy greedy
spat- pissed- and shit-on city,
the perfect sky and holy beneficent sun
had to make some room for that smile-
that uncaused rocketing Joy
so inexplicably complete
the unparalleled Ecstasy
born again