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Poems by Zenmar
From Bear-Ear Mountain in China
To the Dharmas halls of
The Buddha-nature eludes everyone.
Looking eastward; turning
We walk as Bodhidharma once walked -
Yet do not know what
moved him hither.
We all have Buddha-nature.
But don't go
searching in a deep forest.
No, it is not in the scent of pine
Nor is it in the bright pink azaleas -
Nor in mountain
streams, cold and clear.
Search far a wide for this nature.
your home a thousands times
Walking alone to the eastern
Still, it will always elude you.
But stop just once and
settle down.
There you will find it -
Hidden where neither thoughts
are present
Nor where they cessate.
(Yes - that is your
Study the great Sutras -
Or cast them aside and
In either case you must have
A good sense of direction.
not you will become
Enlightened a thousand times
And still be
In zazen,
See what can never sit,
Stand, lie down or walk.
this way you will be
Well on your way to
Finding Mr. Buddha's seat.
Chao-chou knew what caused
To make the long journey to China.
He demonstrated it in
his daily life.
He raised his feet and used his hands.
He let his
tongue freely speak -
He let his thoughts fly free of
When questioned as to the reason -
He tried his best to
show the source.
But who could see Bodhidharma's
principle -
Just before he moved forward?
Ranting and raving -
This is the mastery of
Its long tongue screams -
Its webbed hand strikes often!
Only the plum blossom appears
To see what all the noise is about.
The rest are asleep this cold winter.
Do you know this tea's source?
Smell the aroma
- gently lift the cup.
Take a sip. Hold it a little
Where, through the taste,
do you sense it?
The limitless sky is not measured by
Nor can the waves know their sea.
Not in thoughts will the
source be known.
Still, it is here where the Buddha sits
Turning the Wheel of Dharma.