Home : Literature : The Autobiography & Maxims of Master Han Shan
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Lohan from Nan Hua Si 


It is my great pleasure to express my gratitude to Mr. and Mrs. Wing Kam Chang of Phoenix, Arizona, whose generosity and dedication to our Buddhist Dharma has enabled us to translate, publish, and to freely distribute Han Shan's autobiography at Hsu Yun Temple, Honolulu, Hawaii. Through their kindness our Internet ministry is now able to bring this important work to readers around the world. We all owe a debt of gratitude to Mr. and Mrs. Chang.

Mr. Chang was born into a highly respected Buddhist family: his parents being Upasaka Ming Ming, who were followers of our Venerable Master Hsu Yun in China. Mr. Chang's entire family has a long and respected association with Buddhism; and it is a great honor for all of us to enjoy their unfailing support.

Through the efforts of Mr. Chang and his ancestors many important Buddhist scriptures have been translated and distributed in many countries around the world. I can remember the pleasure I felt when reading a hand-written copy of the Lotus Sutra which his father had made for others to read and study. The Chang family is also responsible for translating and publishing Patriarch Hui Neng's Platform Sutra into English as well as many other ancient Chinese texts.

The heart of Buddhism reposes in the good character of the Buddha's followers. In all this world there are few Buddhists whose devotion can be said to equal that of the Chang family. Certainly there are none who surpass it.

We all owe Mr. and Mrs. Wing Kam Chang and their entire family a debt of gratitude which we can never adequately repay.

Jy Din Sakya, Abbot
Hsu Yun Temple
42 Kawananakoa Place
Honolulu, Hawaii.

Benefactors Mr. & Mrs. Wing Kam Chang of Phoenix Arizona who generously underwrote the expenses of publishing this work.

Acknowledgments by the Translator

All kinds of people, educated or uneducated, rich or poor, nobles or ordinary people, and even emperors or their families, have been, throughout history, influenced by the teachings of the Dharma. The literary works of the great masters and patriarchs of Buddhism, who devoted their lives to spreading the Dharma are valuable guides to us all. From their biographies, we learn not only the details of their search for truth and of their practice of Buddhism, but also of their character and determination in achieving their goals and vows.

Master Han Shan was one of the four greatest monks in Ming Dynasty (1368-1643) in China. He was a great patriarch of Zen Buddhism. During his life of practicing Zen, he attained enlightenment and various visionary states. He helped and guided his followers to understand many sutras by lecturing and writing commentaries on them, for example, the lectures of The Hua Yan Xuan Tan; Straight Talk on the Heart Sutra; The commentary of The Avatamsaka Sutra; The Lankavatara Sutra; The Thorough Meaning of Surangama Sutra; and many others. He was also a well educated scholar in Classical Chinese literature with commentaries on Chun Qiu Zuo's Doctrine of the Mind; Zhao Lun and others.

If this book enables a reader, whether or not he already includes himself in Buddhist ranks, to share in the great joy of our religion and to learn even a little more about our religion's illustrious history, this present work has attained its objective.

Finally, I would like to express my sincere thanks to Rev. Chuan Yuan (Ming Zhen) Shakya who spent much time and effort in effecting a paraphrase of my translation of the original Chinese into English. I also like to thank Ven. Jy-Din Sakya who gave me guidance and explanation whenever I needed during the work. Lastly, I express my appreciation to the good course that has been done by Mr. and Mrs.Wing K. Chang whose generosity is responsible for bringing this important work to the world.

Richard Cheung
Honolulu, December 1993

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